2300 E. Grand River, Conference Room A, Howell, MI
Members Present
  • Hansel Keene
  • Bruce Hundley
  • Kevin Nagle
  • Joe Riker
  • James Wallace
Staff Present
  • Adam Smiddy
  • Andrea Hodges

Hansel Keene called the meeting to order at 1732.

Indicated the presence of a quorum. Joe Riker absent.

  • Moved ByJames Wallace
    Seconded ByKevin Nagle

    Motion to approve the agenda as presented.

    Motion Carried

Minutes dated 26 February 2018

Minutes dated 26 February 2018

  • Motion to approve the minutes as presented.

    Moved ByJames Wallace
    Seconded ByKevin Nagle

    Yes (2)Kevin Nagle, and James Wallace
    No (2)Hansel Keene, and Bruce Hundley
    Absent (1)Joe Riker

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Failed (2 to 2)
  • Motion to approve the minutes as amended

    Moved ByJames Wallace
    Seconded ByKevin Nagle

    Add into item IV New Business under discussion of DnA Testing that persons in the court still have the ability to apply to Relief for testing to be paid for.

    Add into item VIII Old Business under discussion of Employee Travel to read "Jim Wallace stated that it is ignorance by some board members in knowing the process of veterans claims and an assumption that Rose will not stay, is not good for the office."

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Carried


  • 18-042: $6,397.60 for Home Repair
  • 18-044: $4,033.26 for Car Repair and Rent
  • 18-043: $6,720.00 for Moving
  • 18-045: $4,000.00 for Utilities
  • 18-023: $1,880.00 Amendment

Indicated the presence of a quorum. Joe Riker not present for Relief Application votes.

  • Moved ByJames Wallace
    Seconded ByKevin Nagle

    Motion to pay application in full.

    Discussion: Bruce Hundley noted concerns about how the Veteran was handling personal finances with showing $600 in disposable income such that he is concerned about the Veteran being taken advantage of. Hansel Keene asked that the caregiver keep in mind the service and watch carefully the Veterans expenditures.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved ByJames Wallace
    Seconded ByKevin Nagle

    Motion to pay application in full.

    Discussion: The Committee asked about pending military deployment, child support agreement and circumstances leading to requiring relief. The Applicant discussed his work in construction slowing over the winter and a recent car accident the also severely limited his finances.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved ByJames Wallace
    Seconded ByKevin Nagle

    Motion to pay the application in full.

    Discussion: The Committee asked about the notice to quit leading to the applicant being required to leave and the costs of the move. Kevin Nagle asked that the office seek other quotes in these situations to ensure costs are low. The Counselor explained the extenuating circumstances about the moving costs and the quotes.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved ByKevin Nagle
    Seconded ByJames Wallace

    Motion to pay application in full.

    Discussion: The Committee asked the Applicant about the incidents that led up to asking for relief and the members of the household who are contributing to income and bills. The Applicants son answered all questions concerning the families finances and his own contribution to the home.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved ByBruce Hundley
    Seconded ByHansel Keene

    Motion to amend the application as presented.

    Discussion: The Committee asked about the need for the additional costs of to repair the bathroom. The Counselor stated the contractor feels the repair for the water heater is needed as it poses a safety risk.

    Motion Carried

Civil Counsel guidance concerning resident status.

The Director explained that the residence status of an applicant for relief should only be defined as those who are intending to live in Livingston County on a permanent basis and if a residency time requirement were to be placed on an applicant, the time period must be short enough to survive a challenge in court. The Director also explained that due to the millage language, it may be possible to be more stringent on the requirement for a Veteran to be a resident of Livingston County. The Committee discussed other requirements for residency used by the courts and Secretary of State. The Director explained that if a Veteran presents themselves and gives intent to be a resident of Livingston County, that application will be considered and the Committee has discretion to approve the application.

  1. Director Report:
    1. Court Issue
    2. Office and Transportation Production
    3. Relief Budget Report
    4. Resolutions
    5. March Events Update
    6. April Events Update
  1. The Director informed the Committee that an investigation was still to be had concerning Dawn Learst and that Committee could enter a closed session to consider guidance.
  2. The Director reported office productivity, transportation production and budget update (attached).
  3. The Director reported upcoming out reach for April 13-15 at Howell High school, a job fair at Crystal Gardens on April 19 and the Veteran and Auxillary of the Year on April 21st.
  4. The Director reported that a new hire driver did not work out and resigned due to personal reasons.
  • Motion to recess to Closed Session

    Moved ByKevin Nagle
    Seconded ByBruce Hundley

    Yes (5)Hansel Keene, Bruce Hundley, Kevin Nagle, Joe Riker, and James Wallace

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Carried (5 to 0)
  • Moved ByKevin Nagle
    Seconded ByJoe Riker

    Authorize Livingston County Human Resources to conduct an investigation of the accusations against Dawn Learst and based on their findings, report back to the Committee with any recommendations and further authorize any results that contain a recommendation for a criminal complaint to be pursued without consideration by the Veterans Services Committee.

    Yes (5)Hansel Keene, Bruce Hundley, Kevin Nagle, Joe Riker, and James Wallace

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Carried (5 to 0)
  • Moved ByJoe Riker
    Seconded ByKevin Nagle

    Motion to continue paid administrative leave for Dawn Learst while under investigation by Human Resources.

    Yes (4)Hansel Keene, Bruce Hundley, Kevin Nagle, and Joe Riker
    No (1)James Wallace

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Carried (4 to 1)

Mr. Wallace presented to the board a conversation with Rose Kenny and that she stated she plans on staying long-term with the office.

  • Moved ByJames Wallace

    Motion to send Rose Kenny to NACVSO training to update her and allow the office to perform at its peak.

    Motion Failed
  • Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 pm.

    Moved ByKevin Nagle
    Seconded ByBruce Hundley

    Yes (5)Hansel Keene, Bruce Hundley, Kevin Nagle, Joe Riker, and James Wallace

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Motion Carried (5 to 0)
No Item Selected