Veteran Services Office
1420 Lawson Drive, Howell, MI 48843
Members Present
  • Joe Riker
  • James Wallace
  • Robert J. Bezotte
  • Bruce Hundley
Members Absent
  • Kevin Nagle
Staff Present
  • Mary Durst
  • A. Townsend

Chairman calls the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.

All rose for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Roll call by Chairman indicates presence of quorum.

  • Moved ByB. Hundley
    Seconded ByR. Bezotte

    Motion to accept consent agenda as presented.

    Yes (4)R. Bezotte, B. Hundley, J. Riker, and J. Wallace
    Absent (1)K. Nagle

    Motion Carried (4 to 0)


  • Moved ByJ. Wallace
    Seconded ByR. Bezotte

    Motion to table.

    Yes (2)R. Bezotte, and J. Wallace
    No (2)B. Hundley, and J. Riker
    Absent (1)K. Nagle

    Motion Failed (2 to 2)
  • Moved ByJ. Riker
    Seconded ByB. Hundley

    Motion to deny.

    Yes (2)B. Hundley, and J. Riker
    No (2)R. Bezotte, and J. Wallace
    Absent (1)K. Nagle

    Motion Failed (2 to 2)

Discussion on Director's yearly review. 

None presented at this meeting.

Rep. Bezotte recommended a sign stating that we have cameras to deter people from doing something.  He also stated House bill 40.65 is moving forward.  It will move to the senate before Christmas.

April Townsend announced that there will be an outreach event on December 3rd for those who work with veterans.  Will be showing, "Thank you for your service" documentary followed by discussion.

  • Moved ByR. Bezotte
    Seconded ByJ. Wallace

    Motion to adjourn at 7:34 PM

    Yes (4)R. Bezotte, B. Hundley, J. Riker, and J. Wallace
    Absent (1)K. Nagle

    Motion Carried (4 to 0)
No Item Selected