Finance andAsset Management CommitteeMeeting AgendaTuesday, April 09, 20246:15 p.m. or immediately following the CPSID Committee meeting, if later.Hybrid In-Person and Virtual Meeting304 E. Grand River Ave., Board Chambers, Howell, MichiganZoom Virtual Meeting ID: 399-700-0062 / Password: LCBOC quorum of the Board of Commissioners may be in attendance at this meeting.1.Call Meeting to Order 2.Roll Call Nick Fiani - Chairman, Jay Gross - Vice Chairman, Douglas Helzerman, Dave Domas, Frank Sample, Wes Nakagiri, Jay Drick, Roger Deaton, and Martin Smith3.Approval of Agenda 4.Approval of Minutes 4.1Meeting Minutes dated: March 11, 2024 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - FAMC_Mar11_2024 - English.pdf5.Call to the Public 6.Discussion 6.1Revenue and Expense Status 6.2Capital Improvement Plan Update 7.Resolutions for Consideration 7.1Fiscal ServicesCindy Arbanas 1.2024 Q1 Budget Amendment.pdf2.2024 Q1 BAR GF Summary.pdf3.2024 Q1 BAR OF Summary.pdfResolution to Authorize a First Quarter Budget Amendment to the Fiscal-Year 2024 Budget7.2County AdministrationNathan Burd 1.COVID-19 RELEF CONSULTING SERVICES EXTENSION.pdfResolution Authorizing an Extension to the Agreement for Livingston County to Host Cooperative Contracts for Covid-19 Relief Consulting Services for Michigan Municipalities through the Michigan Association of Counties CoPro+ Program8.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2024 Q1 Budget Amendment.pdf2.2024 Q1 BAR GF Summary.pdf3.2024 Q1 BAR OF Summary.pdf1.COVID-19 RELEF CONSULTING SERVICES EXTENSION.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - FAMC_Mar11_2024 - English.pdf