Courts, Public Safety, andInfrastructure Development CommitteeMeeting AgendaMonday, December 09, 2024 6:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.Hybrid In-Person and Virtual Meeting304 E. Grand River Ave., Board Chambers, Howell, MichiganZoom Virtual Meeting ID: 399-700-0062 / Password: LCBOC quorum of the Board of Commissioners may be in attendance at this meeting.1.Call Meeting to Order 2.Roll Call Wes Nakagiri - Chairman, Douglas Helzerman - Vice Chairman, Dave Domas, Nick Fiani3.Approval of Minutes 3.1Meeting Minutes dated: November 12, 2024 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CPSIDC_Nov12_2024 - English.pdf4.Approval of Agenda 5.Reports 6.Call to the Public 7.Resolutions for Consideration 7.1SheriffMike Murphy 1.Resolution Authorizing the Sheriff's Office to Accept Award for the US DOJ COPS FY24 Safer Outcomes Grant.pdf2.Sheriff FY24 COPS Street Smart VR GOF (002).pdf3.Procurement-Source-Justification-Form STREET SMARTS.pdf4.Initial Award Package.pdf5.Livingston CSO_SSVR_Sole Source Justification_June2024.pdf6.Q2024-241B Livingston County Sheriff Office.pdfResolution Authorizing the Sheriff’s Office and the County of Livingston to Accept Award for the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services FY24 Safer Outcomes: Enhancing De-Escalation and Crisis Response Training for Law Enforcement Program Grant 7.2Drain Commissioner Mitch Dempsey 1.Resolution authorizing an expenditure in excess of $10,000 for repair of the Long Lake Dam .pdf2.Long Lake SAD.pdf3.Long Lake Dam Location Map.pdf4.Long Lake Dam_Culvert replacement Work_Cost Summary.pdf5.Cover Letter_Long Lake 2024 Resolution to Exceed Maintenance Limit_Final.pdf6.20211220 Long Lake Dam FINAL Inspection Report.pdfResolution Authorizing an Expenditure in Excess of $10,000 for Repairs to the Long Lake Dam8.Discussion 8.1Materials Management Planning 1.Board - 04-060 - Creation of Solid Waste Management Committee.pdf2.Materials-Management-Planning-Quick-Guide EGLE.pdf3.mcl-451-1994-II-3-115-11.pdf4.BoardDetails-SWMC.pdf5.Members-SWMC.pdf a.DPW/Solid WasteRobert Spaulding 1.Resolution Appointing the Designated Planning Agency for the Materials Management Planning Process.pdfResolution Appointing the Designated Planning Agency for the Materials Management Planning Processb.DPW/Solid WasteRobert Spaulding 1.Resolution Dissolving the Solid Waste Management Committee and Creating the Materials Management Planning Committee.pdfResolution Dissolving the Solid Waste Management Committee and Creating the Materials Management Planning Committee9.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CPSIDC_Nov12_2024 - English.pdf1.Resolution Dissolving the Solid Waste Management Committee and Creating the Materials Management Planning Committee.pdf1.Resolution Appointing the Designated Planning Agency for the Materials Management Planning Process.pdf1.Resolution Authorizing the Sheriff's Office to Accept Award for the US DOJ COPS FY24 Safer Outcomes Grant.pdf2.Sheriff FY24 COPS Street Smart VR GOF (002).pdf3.Procurement-Source-Justification-Form STREET SMARTS.pdf4.Initial Award Package.pdf5.Livingston CSO_SSVR_Sole Source Justification_June2024.pdf6.Q2024-241B Livingston County Sheriff Office.pdf1.Resolution authorizing an expenditure in excess of $10,000 for repair of the Long Lake Dam .pdf2.Long Lake SAD.pdf3.Long Lake Dam Location Map.pdf4.Long Lake Dam_Culvert replacement Work_Cost Summary.pdf5.Cover Letter_Long Lake 2024 Resolution to Exceed Maintenance Limit_Final.pdf6.20211220 Long Lake Dam FINAL Inspection Report.pdf1.Board - 04-060 - Creation of Solid Waste Management Committee.pdf2.Materials-Management-Planning-Quick-Guide EGLE.pdf3.mcl-451-1994-II-3-115-11.pdf4.BoardDetails-SWMC.pdf5.Members-SWMC.pdf