Finance andAsset Management CommitteeMeeting AgendaMonday, July 08, 20246:15 p.m. or immediately following the CPSID Committee meeting, if later.Hybrid In-Person and Virtual Meeting304 E. Grand River Ave., Board Chambers, Howell, MichiganZoom Virtual Meeting ID: 399-700-0062 / Password: LCBOC quorum of the Board of Commissioners may be in attendance at this meeting.1.Call Meeting to Order 2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 3.Roll Call Nick Fiani - Chairman, Jay Gross - Vice Chairman, Douglas Helzerman, Dave Domas, Frank Sample, Wes Nakagiri, Jay Drick, Roger Deaton, and Martin Smith4.Approval of Agenda 5.Approval of Minutes 5.1Meeting Minutes dated: June 10, 2024 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - FAMC_Jun10_2024 - English.pdf6.Call to the Public 7.Discussion 7.1Revenue and Expense Status 7.2Capital Improvement Plan Update 8.Resolutions for Consideration 8.1TreasurerJennifer Nash 1.Treasurer - Deficit Elimination Plan.pdf2.Cover Letter for Resolution - 2023 Deficit Elimination Plan.pdfResolution Approving the 2023 Deficit Elimination Plan8.2Fiscal ServicesCindy Arbanas 1.2024 Q2 Budget Amendment Request.pdf2.2024 Q2 BAR Spreadsheet - GF Summary.pdf3.2024 Q2 BAR Spreadsheet - OF Summary.pdfResolution to Authorize a Second Quarter Budget Amendment to the Fiscal-Year 2024 Budget8.3Facility Services Kevin Eggleston 1.Resolution Authorizing an Agreement for Project Management Services for the Renovation of the Health Department .pdf2.LC Health Department_Interior Renovation Project.FS.pdfResolution Authorizing an Agreement for Project Management Services for the Renovation of the Health Department8.4Emergency Medical ServicesDavid Feldpausch 1.Fowlerville Base Housekeeping.pdf2.Fowlerville Housekeepng.pdf3.Fowlerville EMS 32kW - Revised Proposal.pdfResolution to Realign Categories within the Fowlerville EMS Base Project8.5Emergency Medical ServicesDavid Feldpausch 1.Rural Base Engineering and Bidding.pdf2.Rural EMS Base Engineering and Bid.pdf3.LC EMS_Putnam Township Substation.FS.pdf4.LC EMS_Cohoctah Substation.FS.pdfResolution Authorizing a contract with Lindhout & Associates for Engineering and Bidding Coordination Work on Proposed EMS Bases8.6Planning DepartmentRobert Stanford 1.2025-2030 Livingston County Capital Improvement Plan.pdf2.2025-30_CIP RESOLUTION _PLANNING COMMISSION-APPROVED.pdf3.2025 CIP Cover Letter to FAM and BoC.pdfResolution Authorizing Transmission of the Approved 2025-2030 County Capital Improvement Plan to the Livingston County Board of Commissioners9.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Post-Meeting Minutes - FAMC_Jun10_2024 - English.pdf1.2025-2030 Livingston County Capital Improvement Plan.pdf2.2025-30_CIP RESOLUTION _PLANNING COMMISSION-APPROVED.pdf3.2025 CIP Cover Letter to FAM and BoC.pdf1.2024 Q2 Budget Amendment Request.pdf2.2024 Q2 BAR Spreadsheet - GF Summary.pdf3.2024 Q2 BAR Spreadsheet - OF Summary.pdf1.Fowlerville Base Housekeeping.pdf2.Fowlerville Housekeepng.pdf3.Fowlerville EMS 32kW - Revised Proposal.pdf1.Rural Base Engineering and Bidding.pdf2.Rural EMS Base Engineering and Bid.pdf3.LC EMS_Putnam Township Substation.FS.pdf4.LC EMS_Cohoctah Substation.FS.pdf1.Resolution Authorizing an Agreement for Project Management Services for the Renovation of the Health Department .pdf2.LC Health Department_Interior Renovation Project.FS.pdf1.Treasurer - Deficit Elimination Plan.pdf2.Cover Letter for Resolution - 2023 Deficit Elimination Plan.pdf