Personnel Committee MeetingRevised AgendaMonday, December 02, 20246:15 p.m. or immediately following GGHHS Committee meeting, if later.Hybrid In-Person and Virtual Meeting304 E. Grand River Ave., Board Chambers, Howell, MichiganZoom Virtual Meeting ID: 399-700-0062 / Password: LCBOC quorum of the Board of Commissioners may be in attendance at this meeting.1.Call Meeting to Order 2.Roll Call Frank Sample - Chairman, Roger Deaton - Vice Chairman, Martin Smith, and Nick Fiani3.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 4.Approval of Agenda 5.Call to the Public 6.Approval of Minutes 6.1Meeting Minutes dated: October 07, 2024 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Personnel Committee_Oct07_2024 - English.pdf7.Tabled Items from Previous Meetings None8.Reports 9.Resolutions for Consideration 9.1Fiscal ServicesCindy Arbanas 1.Resolution to Approve the Reclassification of the Deputy Financial Officer and the Senior Financial Analyst.pdf2.Livingston Position Eval Memo_Fiscal Services 10-30-24.pdf3.Deputy Financial Officer - REV 1024.pdf4.Senior Financial Analyst - REV 1024.pdf5.Cost of Fiscal Srvs Reorg.pdf6.Position-Request-Deputy FO.pdf7.PRF Senior FO.pdfResolution Approving the Reclassification of the Deputy Financial Officer and the Senior Financial Analyst9.2TreasurerJennifer Nash 1.Resolution to Approve the Reclassification of Senior Accountant and Chief Deputy Treasurer.pdf2.Senior Accountant - Treasurer -REV 1124.pdf3.Chief Deputy Treasurer - REV 1124.pdf4.Position Eval Memo_Treasury 10.30.24.pdf5.Treasurer CDT and Sen. Accnt Reclass SIGNED.pdf6.Position-Request-Change - Chief Deputy Treasurer Reclass.pdf7.Position-Request-Change - Senior Accountant - Treasurer.pdfResolution Authorizing the Reclassification of the Senior Accountant and the Chief Deputy Treasurer – Treasurer9.3Board of Commissioners - AZBOABoard of Commissioners 1.Board of Commissioners - AZBOA.pdfResolution Approving Appointments to the Livingston County Airport Zoning Board of Appeals – Board of Commissioners9.4Board of Commissioners - BPWBoard of Commissioners 1.Board of Commissioners - BPW.pdfResolution Reducing Membership and Approving Appointments to the Livingston County Board of Public Works – Board of Commissioners9.5Board of Commissioners - CMHBoard of Commissioners 1.Board of Commissioners - CMH.pdfResolution Approving Appointments to the Livingston County Community Mental Health Authority Board – Board of Commissioners9.6Board of Commissioners - HSCBBoard of Commissioners 1.Board of Commissioners - HSCB.pdf2.Final 2024 HSCB Membership.pdfResolution Authorizing Appointments to the Human Services Collaborative Body – Board of Commissioners9.7Planning Department - POSACScott Barb 1.Planning Department - POSAC.pdf2.POSAC Resolution 1.pdfResolution to Approve Appointments, Three-Year Terms, and Staggered Terms to the Livingston County Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee – Planning Department / Board of Commissioners9.8Board of Commissioners - VSCBoard of Commissioners 1.Board of Commissioners - VSC.pdfResolution Approving an Appointment to the Livingston County Veterans Services Committee – Board of Commissioners10.Closed Session Discuss negotiations related to collective bargaining as permitted by MCL 15.268(c)11.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Resolution to Approve the Reclassification of the Deputy Financial Officer and the Senior Financial Analyst.pdf2.Livingston Position Eval Memo_Fiscal Services 10-30-24.pdf3.Deputy Financial Officer - REV 1024.pdf4.Senior Financial Analyst - REV 1024.pdf5.Cost of Fiscal Srvs Reorg.pdf6.Position-Request-Deputy FO.pdf7.PRF Senior FO.pdf1.Resolution to Approve the Reclassification of Senior Accountant and Chief Deputy Treasurer.pdf2.Senior Accountant - Treasurer -REV 1124.pdf3.Chief Deputy Treasurer - REV 1124.pdf4.Position Eval Memo_Treasury 10.30.24.pdf5.Treasurer CDT and Sen. Accnt Reclass SIGNED.pdf6.Position-Request-Change - Chief Deputy Treasurer Reclass.pdf7.Position-Request-Change - Senior Accountant - Treasurer.pdf1.Board of Commissioners - AZBOA.pdf1.Board of Commissioners - CMH.pdf1.Board of Commissioners - HSCB.pdf2.Final 2024 HSCB Membership.pdf1.Planning Department - POSAC.pdf2.POSAC Resolution 1.pdf1.Board of Commissioners - BPW.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Personnel Committee_Oct07_2024 - English.pdf1.Board of Commissioners - VSC.pdf